
jax.debug.inspect_array_sharding(value, *, callback)[source]#

Enables inspecting array sharding inside JIT-ted functions.

This function, when provided with a Pytree of arrays, calls back with each of their shardings and works in pjit-ted computations, enabling inspecting the chosen intermediate shardings.

The policy for when callback is called is as early as possible when the sharding information is available. This means if inspect_array_callback is called without any transformations, the callback will happen immediately since we have the array and its sharding readily available. Inside of a jax.jit, the callback will happen at lowering time, meaning you can trigger the callback using the AOT API (jit(f).lower(...)). When inside of a pjit, the callback happens at compile time since the sharding is determined by XLA. You can trigger the callback by using JAX’s AOT API (pjit(f).lower(...).compile()). In all cases, the callback will be triggered by running the function, since running a function entails lowering and compiling it first. However, once the function is compiled and cached, the callback will no longer occur.

This function is experimental and its behavior may change in the future.

  • value – A Pytree of JAX arrays.

  • callback (Callable[[Sharding], None]) – A callable that takes in a Sharding and doesn’t return a value.

In the following example, we print out the sharding of an intermediate value in a pjit-ted computation:

>>> import jax
>>> import jax.numpy as jnp
>>> from jax.experimental.pjit import pjit
>>> from jax.sharding import Mesh, PartitionSpec
>>> x = jnp.arange(8, dtype=jnp.float32)
>>> def f_(x):
...   x = jnp.sin(x)
...   jax.debug.inspect_array_sharding(x, callback=print)
...   return jnp.square(x)
>>> f = pjit(f_, in_shardings=PartitionSpec('dev'),
...          out_shardings=PartitionSpec('dev'))
>>> with Mesh(jax.devices(), ('dev',)):
...   f.lower(x).compile()  
NamedSharding(mesh={'dev': 8}, partition_spec=PartitionSpec(('dev',),))