- jax.experimental.sparse.linalg.lobpcg_standard(A, X, m=100, tol=None)[source]#
Compute the top-k standard eigenvalues using the LOBPCG routine.
LOBPCG [1] stands for Locally Optimal Block Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient. The method enables finding top-k eigenvectors in an accelerator-friendly manner.
This initial experimental version has several caveats.
Only the standard eigenvalue problem A U = lambda U is supported, general eigenvalues are not.
Gradient code is not available.
f64 will only work where jnp.linalg.eigh is supported for that type.
Finding the smallest eigenvectors is not yet supported. As a result, we don’t yet support preconditioning, which is mostly needed for this case.
The implementation is based on [2] and [3]; however, we deviate from these sources in several ways to improve robustness or facilitate implementation:
Despite increased iteration cost, we always maintain an orthonormal basis for the block search directions.
We change the convergence criterion; see the tol argument.
Soft locking [4] is intentionally not implemented; it relies on choosing an appropriate problem-specific tolerance to prevent blow-up near convergence from catastrophic cancellation of near-0 residuals. Instead, the approach implemented favors truncating the iteration basis.
[1]: http://ccm.ucdenver.edu/reports/rep149.pdf [2]: https://arxiv.org/abs/1704.07458 [3]: https://arxiv.org/abs/0705.2626 [4]: DOI 10.13140/RG.2.2.11794.48327
- Parameters:
A (jax.Array | Callable[[jax.Array], jax.Array]) – An (n, n) array representing a square Hermitian matrix or a callable with its action.
X (jax.Array) – An (n, k) array representing the initial search directions for the k desired top eigenvectors. This need not be orthogonal, but must be numerically linearly independent (X will be orthonormalized). Note that we must have 0 < k * 5 < n.
m (int) – Maximum integer iteration count; LOBPCG will only ever explore (a subspace of) the Krylov basis {X, A X, A^2 X, …, A^m X}.
tol (jax.Array | float | None | None) – A float convergence tolerance; an eigenpair (lambda, v) is converged when its residual L2 norm r = |A v - lambda v| is below tol * 10 * n * (lambda + |A v|), which roughly estimates the worst-case floating point error for an ideal eigenvector. If all k eigenvectors satisfy the tolerance comparison, then LOBPCG exits early. If left as None, then this is set to the float epsilon of A.dtype.
- Returns:
theta, U, i, where theta is a (k,) array of eigenvalues, U is a (n, k) array of eigenvectors, i is the number of iterations performed.
- Raises:
ValueError – if A,X dtypes or n dimensions do not match, or k is too large (only k * 5 < n supported), or k == 0.