
jax.numpy.isfinite(x, /)[source]#

Return a boolean array indicating whether each element of input is finite.

JAX implementation of numpy.isfinite.


x (ArrayLike) – input array or scalar.


A boolean array of same shape as x containing True where x is not inf, -inf, or NaN, and False otherwise.

Return type:


See also

  • jax.numpy.isinf(): Returns a boolean array indicating whether each element of input is either positive or negative infinity.

  • jax.numpy.isposinf(): Returns a boolean array indicating whether each element of input is positive infinity.

  • jax.numpy.isneginf(): Returns a boolean array indicating whether each element of input is negative infinity.

  • jax.numpy.isnan(): Returns a boolean array indicating whether each element of input is not a number (NaN).


>>> x = jnp.array([-1, 3, jnp.inf, jnp.nan])
>>> jnp.isfinite(x)
Array([ True,  True, False, False], dtype=bool)
>>> jnp.isfinite(3-4j)
Array(True, dtype=bool, weak_type=True)